Ed Foote is well-known throughout the country to dancers at Mainstream thru Challenge. He has called for 53 years and currently calls throughout the U.S. from coast to coast. In his career, he has called in all 50 states, throughout Canada, and has made 18 calling trips to Europe calling in 10 countries. He has also made two calling trips to Australia and one to New Zealand. A member of CALLERLAB’s Board of Governors. He is an Accredited CALLERLAB Caller Coach, and has conducted clinics and schools in 38 states, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. In 2008 he received the CALLERLAB Milestone Award for significant contribution to the field of square dancing. Ed is a well-known square dance author. He has written and edited several instructional books on square dancing, has had hundreds of articles published in the U.S. and other countries, and for 11 years wrote a monthly note service for callers. He has written a monthly column for American Square Dance magazine for 31 years, and has written a bi-monthly column for The Northeast Square Dancer Magazine (serves New England) for 27 years.