The Northeast Caller School has an administrative staff who year after year keep the school running smoothly and efficiently. We would like to thank these people!

Sue Ruggiero is the partner of Ken Ritucci – Owner of theĀ Northeast Caller School. Sue has a strong background in project management, and as part of the administrative staff, Sue’s responsibilities include back-end work such as Ā merchandise orders, printing materials such as schedules to Ā be used during the school, and assisting in the kitchen for the evening dances. Always with a friendly smile, Sue makes the Northeast Caller School an enjoyable place to be!

Matt McGovern is the webmaster for the Northeast Caller School.
Matt has attended the school formally in the past and has now offered to lend his professional skills to the Northeast Caller School Team! Matt has a background in Information Technology, and is our resident “IT person”. Matt also acted as a liaison between the Northeast Caller School and the Hayloft Steppers Square Dance Club – helping in move the school to it’s new location in Sturbridge, MA. You will be sure to find Matt helping the Northeast Caller School students/staff with their Information Technology needs, as well as creating an awesome atmosphere during our school after parties!